petak, 19. listopada 2012.

Coffee near the sea...who could ask for more

Ovo je savršen petak! Probudila sam se baš dobre volje...malo prozujala po kući i uvukla se u svoj mali kutak inspiracije. Već dugo planiram usavršiti španjolski i portugalski koje sam učila na faksu...i eto danas je (napokon) došao na red - portugalski :)
Ola, eu chamo-me Branka e sou professora de italiano e ingles.


I could call it a perfect Friday! I woke up ...whizzed through the house and sneaked into my small corner of inspiration. For I long time I planned to brush up my Spanish and Portoguese that I learned during my college days...and today I (finally) started with Portuguese :)
Ola, eu chamo-me Branka e sou professora de italiano e ingles.

Za bilo kakve knjige, časopise, rječnike i sl. toplo preporučam Scribd ( Imate tonu zanimljivih stvari ;)

If you search for any kind of book, magazine, dictionary...I recommend you Scribd ( You can find a lot of interesting things there ;)

Nakon ručka krenuo je moj "radni" dan - dobila sam novu učenicu za privatne instrukcije. Mala Marta ima samo 4 godine i već rastura engleski i talijanski.

After lunch, my "working" day started - I got a new pupil for private lessons. Little Marta is only 4 years old and she is so good at English and Italian.

Nakon instrukcija, uslijedila je (najduže planirana) kava s mojom Mateom. :)  Nismo se pamtim više...a živimo na 15 minuta udaljenosti! Dan je bio kao stvoren za kavu uz more...pročešljale smo sve teme  :)) Maratonska kava se nastavlja...

After lessons, I went for a (the longest planned) coffee with my best friend Matea. I haven't seen her for ages...but we live on 15 minutes distance! The day was perfect to have a coffee near the sea....we went through all the topics :)) Marathon coffee will be continued...

Have a nice weekend ;)

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