I haven't been posting anything...no inspiration :/ maybe beacuse of this weather...sleepy, dull and rainy.
Spremam jedno predavanje pa u zadnje vrijeme dosta čitam...doslovno gubim vid na sitnim slovima.
I'm preparing a lecture so I read a lot recently....actually I'm loosing my sight reading those little letters.
Onaj osjećaj kad nađeš u knjižnici baš ono što ti treba....
That feeling when in library you find exactly the book you need ...
Moja Marta....uvijek me iznenadi nekom svojom rečenicom, gestom i ogromnom količinom mašte
My little pupil Marta....I'm always surprised by her phrases, gestures and enormous amount of imagination.
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Marta is colouring a Halloween mask that I printed for her |
Danas sam dobila poklon od Marte - privjesak za ključeve u obliku male knjižice sa citatima o učiteljima :))
Today, Marta gave me a gift - a key ring in form of little book with quotes about teachers :))
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"A special teacher" |
Boje na nebu su danas bile fantastične....
There were fantastic colours of sky this afternoon....