utorak, 30. listopada 2012.

I can smell winter...

Dugo nisam pisala...nisam baš imala neku inspiraciju :/ čudno neko vrijeme...uspavano, tmurno i kišovito.

I haven't been posting anything...no inspiration :/ maybe beacuse of this weather...sleepy, dull and rainy.

Spremam jedno predavanje pa u zadnje vrijeme dosta čitam...doslovno gubim vid na sitnim slovima.

I'm preparing a lecture so I read a lot recently....actually I'm loosing my sight reading those little letters.

Onaj osjećaj kad nađeš u knjižnici baš ono što ti treba....

That feeling when in library you find exactly the book you need ...

Moja Marta....uvijek me iznenadi nekom svojom rečenicom, gestom i ogromnom količinom mašte

My little pupil Marta....I'm always surprised by her phrases, gestures and enormous amount of imagination.

Marta is colouring a Halloween mask that I printed for her

Danas sam dobila poklon od Marte - privjesak za ključeve u obliku male knjižice sa citatima o učiteljima :))

Today, Marta gave me a gift - a key ring in form of little book with quotes about teachers :))

"A special teacher"

Boje na nebu su danas bile fantastične....

There were fantastic colours of sky this afternoon....

petak, 19. listopada 2012.

Coffee near the sea...who could ask for more

Ovo je savršen petak! Probudila sam se baš dobre volje...malo prozujala po kući i uvukla se u svoj mali kutak inspiracije. Već dugo planiram usavršiti španjolski i portugalski koje sam učila na faksu...i eto danas je (napokon) došao na red - portugalski :)
Ola, eu chamo-me Branka e sou professora de italiano e ingles.


I could call it a perfect Friday! I woke up ...whizzed through the house and sneaked into my small corner of inspiration. For I long time I planned to brush up my Spanish and Portoguese that I learned during my college days...and today I (finally) started with Portuguese :)
Ola, eu chamo-me Branka e sou professora de italiano e ingles.

Za bilo kakve knjige, časopise, rječnike i sl. toplo preporučam Scribd (www.scribd.com). Imate tonu zanimljivih stvari ;)

If you search for any kind of book, magazine, dictionary...I recommend you Scribd (www.scribd.com). You can find a lot of interesting things there ;)

Nakon ručka krenuo je moj "radni" dan - dobila sam novu učenicu za privatne instrukcije. Mala Marta ima samo 4 godine i već rastura engleski i talijanski.

After lunch, my "working" day started - I got a new pupil for private lessons. Little Marta is only 4 years old and she is so good at English and Italian.

Nakon instrukcija, uslijedila je (najduže planirana) kava s mojom Mateom. :)  Nismo se vidjele....ne pamtim više...a živimo na 15 minuta udaljenosti! Dan je bio kao stvoren za kavu uz more...pročešljale smo sve teme  :)) Maratonska kava se nastavlja...

After lessons, I went for a (the longest planned) coffee with my best friend Matea. I haven't seen her for ages...but we live on 15 minutes distance! The day was perfect to have a coffee near the sea....we went through all the topics :)) Marathon coffee will be continued...

Have a nice weekend ;)

utorak, 16. listopada 2012.

Where has Summer gone?

Ecosy Summer Camp - Savudrija

Sunday Morning Chill

Niki Belucci Beach Party

...another Beach Chill

working at Terraneo Festival

say cheeese

ponedjeljak, 15. listopada 2012.

My WeekEnd

Hej hej!

Bila sam za vikend u Splitu kod sestre. Moja novopečena brucošica na pravu jučer je napunila 19 godina :) Malo smo prozujale po trgovinama, vidjele svašta, a kupile ništa :))
Skoro sam kupila conversice....ali bila je teška odluka između rozih niskih i visokih....ajoj!

Hey hey!

I spent a weekend with my sister in Split. She is freshman and she studies law. Yesterday was her birthday - sweet 19 :) While being there we whizzed the shops, we saw a lot of things but we bought - nothing :))
I almost bought Converse sneakers but I couldn't decide between short or tall in pink...ah!

srijeda, 10. listopada 2012.

Pet Award

My dear Friend Matea tagged me so it's my turn to present my pet.
So let's do it:
1. share the award picture
2. answer 10 questions about your pet
3. tag people


1. How many pets do you have and what kind of animals they are?
Actually, I don't have a pet. This is my uncle's maltese girl.
2. What are their names?
  My little cousin once called her "Princess" and that's it, we call her Princess.
3. How did you get her?
I was still in college and one afternoon my mum phoned me and said: "Uncle showed us its new pet, it soooo sweeeet!" I couldn't resist to come home and see the little snowflake.
4. How old is she?
She is 10 months old, I think she will never grow up.
5. Her favourite food?
Dog's cookies, but also cornflakes, chocolate, donats...but we try to not give those stuffs very often.

as a baby

6. Where is she right now?
She is probably laying on the sofa and waiting my cousin returns from school.
7. The craziest thing she's done so far?
She manages to stay on her paws pretending she is praying for a piece of chocolate.

8. The worst thing she did?
She ate pillows, carpet, and aunt's magazines.

9. Her favourite thing to do?
  Tease my little cousin and cuddle.
10. If Princeza could talk, what would she say about me?
' Could you please stop telling me I am so cute?! Ok, I know it! '
Tag people

Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world

Jučer sam pisala o tenisicama, ali danas ću o cipelama :)) predstavit ću vam sve svoje cipele počevši od platformica, štikli i čizmica.

Yesterday, my post was about sneakers but today I talk about shoes :)) I'll present you my shoes starting with platform shoes, high heels and boots.

Let's start...

Platformice - Platform shoes
Obožavam ih! Trenutno živim u takvom gradu u kojem ne mogu svaki dan izlaziti u štiklama pa mi platformice predstavljaju jedinu zamjenu.

I adore platform shoes! I live in a town where I cannot wear heels, so platform shoes are the only substitute.

rođendanski poklon - a birthday present

slatkice - cuties

najdraže - my favourite

Štikle i čizmice - high heels and boots
Volim, volim, volim! Nemam ih previše ali jednog dana hoću :P

Love, love, love them! I don't have a pile of them, but someday I will :P

jednostavne i slatke - simple and cute

najdraži ulov ikada - the best catch ever

posebne - special

elegantne - elegant
zadovoljstvo iz studentskih dana - a student's life pleasure

sestrine cipele s mature - sister's prom night shoes

love love love

U sljedećem postu  - isprobavam maskare :))



utorak, 9. listopada 2012.

Music Sneakers

Mada sam pravo žensko i dobre cipele (čitaj štikle) su mi glavna opsesija, u zadnje vrijeme sam se nekako uvukla u tenisice. Štedim si za Conversice i ubijam me neodlučnost oko izbora boje :/
Do tada sam skupila kolekciju svakakvih tenisica, niskih, visokih, šarenih, srebrne (RIP)...
Mama se u zadnje vrijeme uhvatila decoupage tehnike pa 'dekupažira' sve što stigne. Pala mi je na pamet ideja da mi decoupage tehnikom ukrasi tenisice i tako su nastale moje Music Sneakers. Glazba je moja prva ljubav i tako sam jedno jutro provela črčkajući po notnom papiru, rezuckajući i pjevajući. Mama je odradila svoj dio posla i onda je nastalo ovo....

Jednu tenisicu krasi tema iz pjesme "Fly me to the moon", a drugu tema iz pjesme "Imagine"

I could call myself a typical woman. Good shoes (read: High Heels) are my obsession, but for some time now I usually wear sneakers. I put by to buy Converse sneakers and I'm very undecided about colour. In the meantime I pilled up al kinds of sneakers long, short, colorful, sliver (RIP)...
Lately my mum ornaments things in decoupage technique and she is very good in it, she 'decoupages' everything. I hit upon an idea to use this technique on my sneakers and that's it - my Music Sneakers are ready. Since music is my first love I spent one morning scribbling on music sheet, cutting and singing. Mum did her part and tah-daaah...

Sneakers are covered with music sheet of my two favourite songs: Fly me to the moon and Imagine.

Have a nice day guys

ponedjeljak, 8. listopada 2012.

my Munich experience

I was in Munich in August with my sis. The city is beautiful, old and modern, green and clean, and most of all -  multicultural. The main problem was German, and I felt so stupid because of that. I speak English, Italian, Spanish and a little bit of Portuguese but German-- I don't like it at all!!! Thanks Lord there were people who knew English and uhhh I managed to come back in one piece.
Enjoy some photos...

sipping it for hours

healthy way of life

with cousines


catching rainbow

we and Che

meditation pose

tourist pose
extremely happy tourist pose
pretending to be in England
waiting a coffee

Next destination will probably be Italy or England ...if I manage to make some money ;)