It was beautiful warm and sunny afternoon today so I went for a walk in nature for the last time (this year). I haven't been there for s year and I had a really good time :)
Read me in 2013 too ;) and I wish you a prosperous New Year :*
ponedjeljak, 31. prosinca 2012.
nedjelja, 30. prosinca 2012.
December Review
I used to love December, but this year it was confusing and caothic :/
So what I was doing while not blogging....
1. visited my Sis in Split....where I met my dear friend from college days
2. bought a Tie Bow (it's MARVELOUS)
3. participated a humanitarian action for a boy who was bruttaly attacked in front of a nightclub
4. bought some presents
5. made happy my little pupil
6. spent Xmas with my family
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Marta's Xmas Tree |
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Marta's Barbie House with telescope and deck chair on the roof! |
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delighted with her Xmas present |
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With my party comrades I went to a Xmas event in a rehabilitation center for people with special needs |
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Sis <3 |
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Sunny-Day-Walk |
it's Christmas tiiiime :) |
subota, 29. prosinca 2012.
nedjelja, 18. studenoga 2012.
Another Weekend in Pics
I spent last week in Split with my friends...and this weekend with my friends in Zadar. Actually, I went there because I needed scientific library. I'm going to have a lecture in March about linguistic history in Dalmatia and Šibenik.
So, let's begin...
So, let's begin...
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My college :) (founded in 1357) |
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college inside |
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The View that I still mis |
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Deep blue sea |
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Blonde me :P |
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Delicious pizza for ME! :) |
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scientific library - 2nd day |
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Posing in a toilet |
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Isn' it cute? :D |
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Spanish version of cult italian movie "Tengo ganas de ti" (Ho voglia di te), 2nd part of the famous "Tre metri sopra il cielo" | . |
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Bus station in Zadar |
ponedjeljak, 12. studenoga 2012.
nedjelja, 4. studenoga 2012.
Music Sheet Manicure Challenge
Ok, I confess - Music is my obsession. Ever since I was little my favourite game was to lie near the radio and sing for hours. I sang in a prescholars choir and then I started piano lessons.
Unfortunately, I didn't finish music school, I left it :/ I was young and stupid....and then I turned to languages and graduated in English and Italian literature. I never left music, every now and then I sit at my piano.
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This picture was taken during my first piano performance - "Silent Night" |
Music always played an important role in my life and it still does. :) I awake and fall asleep with Music!
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During my college days I played the guitar |
Inspired by some newspaper manicures, I'm going to do Music Sheet Manicure ;)
subota, 3. studenoga 2012.
To Rome With Love
I was in cinema with my sister yesterday. We watched To Rome With love and we were completely alone because it was early afternoon. We laughed, sang and commented every scene.... I am still under impression. The film was great, easy, funny and full of Italy that I'm completely crazy about.
The opening scene on the crossroads in the very center of Eternal City left me breathless...then popular Italian song Nel blu dipinto di blu (Volare), Arrivederci Roma, Nessun dorma, and Leoncavallo's Pagliacci ....ah...I'm still humming those melodies.
The film is directed by Woody Allen and talks about unpredictable human life and relationships. The role of Roberto Benigni was fantastic and he played it brilliant.
Old Roman monuments, fountains, Vatican, streets made me think ..and it's high time to visit it! I've been in Italy five times and I still haven't visited Rome, I'M ASHAMED!
The opening scene on the crossroads in the very center of Eternal City left me breathless...then popular Italian song Nel blu dipinto di blu (Volare), Arrivederci Roma, Nessun dorma, and Leoncavallo's Pagliacci ....ah...I'm still humming those melodies.
The film is directed by Woody Allen and talks about unpredictable human life and relationships. The role of Roberto Benigni was fantastic and he played it brilliant.
Old Roman monuments, fountains, Vatican, streets made me think ..and it's high time to visit it! I've been in Italy five times and I still haven't visited Rome, I'M ASHAMED!
So if you like romantic comedy, Italy and song, then I strongly recommend you to watch this movie.
See Rome and die
četvrtak, 1. studenoga 2012.
How I passed Halloween
utorak, 30. listopada 2012.
I can smell winter...
Dugo nisam pisala...nisam baš imala neku inspiraciju :/ čudno neko vrijeme...uspavano, tmurno i kišovito.
I haven't been posting inspiration :/ maybe beacuse of this weather...sleepy, dull and rainy.
Spremam jedno predavanje pa u zadnje vrijeme dosta čitam...doslovno gubim vid na sitnim slovima.
I'm preparing a lecture so I read a lot recently....actually I'm loosing my sight reading those little letters.
Boje na nebu su danas bile fantastične....
There were fantastic colours of sky this afternoon....
I haven't been posting inspiration :/ maybe beacuse of this weather...sleepy, dull and rainy.
Spremam jedno predavanje pa u zadnje vrijeme dosta čitam...doslovno gubim vid na sitnim slovima.
I'm preparing a lecture so I read a lot recently....actually I'm loosing my sight reading those little letters.
Onaj osjećaj kad nađeš u knjižnici baš ono što ti treba....
That feeling when in library you find exactly the book you need ...
Moja Marta....uvijek me iznenadi nekom svojom rečenicom, gestom i ogromnom količinom mašte
My little pupil Marta....I'm always surprised by her phrases, gestures and enormous amount of imagination.
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Marta is colouring a Halloween mask that I printed for her |
Danas sam dobila poklon od Marte - privjesak za ključeve u obliku male knjižice sa citatima o učiteljima :))
Today, Marta gave me a gift - a key ring in form of little book with quotes about teachers :))
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"A special teacher" |
Boje na nebu su danas bile fantastične....
There were fantastic colours of sky this afternoon....
petak, 19. listopada 2012.
Coffee near the sea...who could ask for more
Ovo je savršen petak! Probudila sam se baš dobre volje...malo prozujala po kući i uvukla se u svoj mali kutak inspiracije. Već dugo planiram usavršiti španjolski i portugalski koje sam učila na faksu...i eto danas je (napokon) došao na red - portugalski :)
Ola, eu chamo-me Branka e sou professora de italiano e ingles.
I could call it a perfect Friday! I woke up ...whizzed through the house and sneaked into my small corner of inspiration. For I long time I planned to brush up my Spanish and Portoguese that I learned during my college days...and today I (finally) started with Portuguese :)
Ola, eu chamo-me Branka e sou professora de italiano e ingles.
Za bilo kakve knjige, časopise, rječnike i sl. toplo preporučam Scribd ( Imate tonu zanimljivih stvari ;)
If you search for any kind of book, magazine, dictionary...I recommend you Scribd ( You can find a lot of interesting things there ;)
Nakon ručka krenuo je moj "radni" dan - dobila sam novu učenicu za privatne instrukcije. Mala Marta ima samo 4 godine i već rastura engleski i talijanski.
After lunch, my "working" day started - I got a new pupil for private lessons. Little Marta is only 4 years old and she is so good at English and Italian.
Nakon instrukcija, uslijedila je (najduže planirana) kava s mojom Mateom. :) Nismo se pamtim više...a živimo na 15 minuta udaljenosti! Dan je bio kao stvoren za kavu uz more...pročešljale smo sve teme :)) Maratonska kava se nastavlja...
After lessons, I went for a (the longest planned) coffee with my best friend Matea. I haven't seen her for ages...but we live on 15 minutes distance! The day was perfect to have a coffee near the sea....we went through all the topics :)) Marathon coffee will be continued...
Ola, eu chamo-me Branka e sou professora de italiano e ingles.
I could call it a perfect Friday! I woke up ...whizzed through the house and sneaked into my small corner of inspiration. For I long time I planned to brush up my Spanish and Portoguese that I learned during my college days...and today I (finally) started with Portuguese :)
Ola, eu chamo-me Branka e sou professora de italiano e ingles.
Za bilo kakve knjige, časopise, rječnike i sl. toplo preporučam Scribd ( Imate tonu zanimljivih stvari ;)
If you search for any kind of book, magazine, dictionary...I recommend you Scribd ( You can find a lot of interesting things there ;)
Nakon ručka krenuo je moj "radni" dan - dobila sam novu učenicu za privatne instrukcije. Mala Marta ima samo 4 godine i već rastura engleski i talijanski.
After lunch, my "working" day started - I got a new pupil for private lessons. Little Marta is only 4 years old and she is so good at English and Italian.
Nakon instrukcija, uslijedila je (najduže planirana) kava s mojom Mateom. :) Nismo se pamtim više...a živimo na 15 minuta udaljenosti! Dan je bio kao stvoren za kavu uz more...pročešljale smo sve teme :)) Maratonska kava se nastavlja...
After lessons, I went for a (the longest planned) coffee with my best friend Matea. I haven't seen her for ages...but we live on 15 minutes distance! The day was perfect to have a coffee near the sea....we went through all the topics :)) Marathon coffee will be continued...
Have a nice weekend ;)
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